Your Tucson Car and Motorcycle Accident Lawyers
We represent Arizonans who have been injured in all types of car, truck and motorcycle accidents and at all stages of the claim process.
If you or a loved one has been involved in an car, truck or motorcycle accident, you are aware of the many difficulties associated with making an accident claim. If you have attempted to make that claim yourself, you undoubtedly received countless calls and letters from an insurance adjuster who is highly trained and has one goal: paying you as little as possible.
Without an experienced attorney, you will not receive fair compensation.
We are experienced and efficient in dealing with insurance adjusters and insurance defense attorneys. Whether at the demand stage or through a lawsuit, we know what needs to be done so you can receive the compensation you deserve while you concentrate on getting your life back to normal.
Contact us if:
Find out how we can help with your case. Contact our team for a cost-free consultation with people who put you first.
- Another firm has turned you down.
- The insurance company is not treating you fairly.
- The insurance company is pressuring you to accept a check (usually $500 over your medical bills).
- You are tired of the insurance company harrassing you with endless phone calls.
Find out how we can help with your case. Contact our team for a cost-free consultation with people who put you first.